Monday, July 09, 2007

Ugh. Yesterday.

I felt like such a bad Mom.

I swear to you I yelled all day at those kids. Screamed. Me. At them.

It was a bad, bad day.

At bed time, after numerous “time outs” Eddie and I were having a talk; I was sitting in his bed and we discussed why he should listen to me when I tell him to do something once. (like not to jump over the back of the love seat, roll on to the cushions and then on to the floor) I made a mistake and told him that he was acting like “bad Anthony”, a boy from his class. I had to apologize and tell him that it wasn’t a nice thing to say, not because Anthony isn’t bad (because he is hell on wheels) but because Anthony has a bad life with no daddy around and a Mommy who works a whole lot. I told him he was a good boy and that we’d had a hard day.

He looked me in the eyes, serious as anything.

“I know I’m good mommy. I try to teach Anthony how to be good. And I am really sick of you hollering all the time.”

Me too.

I didn’t sleep and cried most of the night.

My biggest fear is fucking my kids up.

Or that they’ll hate me when they are grown and look back.

I’m at a loss as to what to do; how to balance it all.

Both kids were sweet as pie this morning, but for me, it has been a very depressing day.


misguidedmommy said...

we are all gonna fuck up our kids somehow...i'm just trying to only fuck mine up a little

Misty said...

Oh honey.

It is ok. You do have good kids. And you are a good mommy. Sometimes it is just one of those days and we lose it. Dry your tears. They know you love them.

Renee said...

You know what? You have a great deal of love for your kids, you disclipline them, and you treat them like people. They are going to be fine, and you know what else? They'll know what's right and what's wrong and won't blame others for their mistakes. Now, look around at the silly lawsuits happening left and right because parents don't want to teach their children manners, responsibility, and respect and then you sit back and feel very assured that you are indeed NOT fucking up your kids.

Love you!