2. Have I mentioned that Ed has been staying home with the kids on Tuesdays and Thursdays? He is and is doing a great job. (plus it’s saving us like $160/week on daycare) As long as I leave out clothes for both and diapers and wipes for Cait. All hell broke loose this morning because I forgot and apparently he was unaware of Eddie’s aversion to any pant that is not a wind pant. I directed him to the wind pants (Eddie’s dresser) and the crisis was averted.
3. I have had entirely too much coffee to drink today.
4. I am wearing a pair of those new trendy super dark jeans. They’re cute, but also stink like dye. It’s annoying. I’m also wearing heels with my jeans which I have never done before. I’m such a trendy mom.
5. I’m considering traveling to Georgia in May by myself for my cousin’s wedding. There is no way Ed and the kids could go. I wouldn’t be totally alone as my parents are going but I’d be traveling alone---which is weird.
6. We’re going to The Bill’s game on Sunday as I won free tickets from work. Ed asked if someone was mad at me and compared winning them to winning a pile of crap. He’s pretty much right, but we’ll go and root for them just the same.
7. The reason for this non post is that I’m working on like 4 other entries based around the following:
• Pooping at work
• Child spacing views and how mine don’t fit in with missing this:

• The fact that I’m pretty sure I’m a compulsive eater
• My review of season premier week (I love TV)
Ok, I have much more to do on my lunch break, starting with going to the post office. YIPPEE!
b) The last time I got mine cut, I had four inches taken off and layers put in, and neither my mom nor Paul noticed. I pointed it out to them and they were like, "Oh...really? You got it cut?" My mom even ARGUED with me, saying I hadn't mentioned an appointment. Like I'd try to FOOL her about getting a haircut.
c) It always surprises me when Paul comes up saying something like, "I didn't know where her onesies were." CHECK THE DRAWERS. You don't have to know which one in order for them to open.
d) I'm going to be very interested in those posts you're working on, but especially on child spacing and compulsive eating. Get to work, woman! *whip cracking sound*
SARA. SAARRRAA! I am working on my TV post too. I am SO EXCITED to read yours. I even THOUGHT OF YOU last night. I was like, I bet SARA will write a TV post too and I won't be the ONLY ONE.
1. I'm with Swistle, let's see some photographic evidence. I love new haircuts. Maybe people are afriad to say anything. I've noticed that. Or when you do cut, like 6 inches off, someone is bound to say "Boy, you're hair sure is getting long." That happens to me usually.
2. Wow, that's great that he's able to be home a few days. Ha, ha, it might be more work for you though. ;)
4. Sound cute. Hey, how about a picutre of you in your cute new outfit with your cute new haircut. A 2 for 1.
5. Maybe it will be nice to get away briefly by yourself.
7. I can't wait to hear about these things too. I'm very interested.
Um, who ISN'T a compulsive eater?
V. Excited to hear about all the fun stuff!
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