Thursday, May 17, 2007

On Chaos

Yesterday I read This post over at Swistle’s, titled “Reasonable Requests”, and I started to think, “Wow, I’m Swistle’s husband…” Not literally, of course, but she described me in detail. Then all of the mom’s leaving comments. Yikes.

This is the thing about me. I can not for the life of me, ever keep my mind on one task. I’m cooking dinner, but maybe I should fold a basket of laundry while the water boils, and then Eddie has pooped and needs to be wiped, and Caitlyn needs a diaper. Then Ed asks could I possibly refill his iced tea glass. Then the pot of water boils over. It’s a vicious circle, and before I know it, yesterday’s folded laundry is crumpled in a basket, the dinner dishes are piling up in the kitchen, I’m trying to squeeze a bath or two in, the kids are going to bed late….again, I need to run the vacuum, and before I know it, the day is over.

I tell Ed all the time that I wish he could see everything that goes on inside my head. He might complain that I left my dinner plate on the couch, but I swear, it’s not because I’m lazy or had a poor upbringing. It’s because my mind jumps from task to task and I’m on to the next thing before one thought is complete. I might even see said plate as I’m passing by and make a mental note to pick it up on my way back to the kitchen, but I get so distracted that sometimes it doesn’t happen.

What is this? Some sort of adult onset of ADHD? I can’t be the only one who goes through this. How do I get to the point where I just pick up the plate?


theflyingmum said...

OK, this is me too - need to read swistle's post. But I have one question: if you are being asked to refill Ed's iced tea "for him", could he not put your plate in the sink "for you?"

aunt myrn said...

you will get to the point where you WILL pick up the plate. when you guys were little, it was the same way for me. dad worked crazy hours and i felt like i never got anything done. i'd start the dishes and then the dryer would buzz. i could never vacuum cuz matthew was collicky and if i EVER got him to sleep it was a miracle..... you needed attention, he needed attention, the phone would ring, oven timer would go off... 2 million things going on at once and never anything seemed to get finished. always started, but never finished. it's just the way it is when you have young children, and yours are especially close in age. also, though i love him dearly, ed is not alot of help with household tasks. he could fold laundry too or empty the dishwasher. dad always did try to help me, as much as he could.

Anonymous said...

used aunt myrn for bee's blog, don't know how to change it back to your mom.

theflyingmum said...

Ya know, your mom is right. Chaos can't reign forever. And our husbands are busy guys too. Sometimes (because I'm home during the day on weekdays) it seems like I'm taking care of everything. I have to remind myself that he's had a busy day at work, and maybe doesn't feel like pitching in at home... but then I think, my job doesn't just END at 6:00. We've had many "talks" about this - sorry if I projected my frustrations here, I don't wnat to interfere.

Sara said...

This is all true--and several factors figure in to the balance of household chores. Ed works a lot of jobs overnight and sleeps odd hours. Being self employed, he invoices during the day so that we have $$ coming in. He does end up with time on his hands, but what kind of person would I be expecting him to do extra house work on top of being awake and working on most days for 18 hours. He does a lot to keep our house running. And if the kids wanted him the way they want me, he'd be right there with them.

He does help me though, by cleaning and organizing the basement, and keeping the garage clean, lawn care etc.

And nobody is interfering-- and please don't mistake my explanation for being defensive-unfortunately, it is in my nature to get stuff off of my chest here, and I write about the bad, rather than the good. (and this wasn't even the bad.....)

theflyingmum said...

I completely understand. I kind of feel like my blog is my blog, your blog is your blog, You should be able to say whatever you want. I'm just visiting. This is "your house" and you have the right to say anything in your house. I'm just a relative stranger who has let myself into your house. Kinda weird, huh.

theflyingmum said...

Welcome back from your trip! How was the flight?