Ok, I realize that this could totally be a fluke, but I find it to be quite amazing.
I went to the store last night to grab a few things, and when I got home, Ed had Caitlyn in the bedroom, changing her diaper. (no, that’s not the amazing part…haha) He said her diaper was dry, but that she was grabbing at it and saying something which he interpreted to mean diaper. So he put a clean diaper on her and we put her in her pajamas.
A little while later, she was grabbing at her diaper again saying the mystery word that Ed thought meant diaper, and tried to pull down her pants. “Pa-eee? Pa-eee?” She said POTTY! I never in a million years thought she knew what she was talking about, but I decided to take her in the bathroom anyway. What could it hurt?
I got out Eddie’s retired potty seat and sat her on it. She freaked out hard core-I guess she was afraid to sit on the toilet. I set her down to put the seat away, and before I could get her diaper on, she peed all over the floor. I think she actually knew that she had to pee.
I’m sure that since I’m discussing it, and am actually excited about it, she won’t be potty trained until she’s 4….but seriously, how cool would it be if she were potty trained at 18 months?
In other news, Ed went on a sales call at Bob Evan’s today, and when he asked to speak to the manager, out came my ex-boyfriend. He’s the assistant manager. He and Ed were talking and the guy was like “I know you from somewhere…… Ed goes “yeah, I’m Sara G…’s husband. The guy paused and said, “So how are YOU doing”?
Not a whole lot else is new. I’m going home soon. I worked out really hard today, and I’m already sore. Ed is working in the AM so I can’t go tomorrow, which means I can sleep in a little bit. I had 2 late nights this weekend and was up early both days. I hate being old.
I went to the store last night to grab a few things, and when I got home, Ed had Caitlyn in the bedroom, changing her diaper. (no, that’s not the amazing part…haha) He said her diaper was dry, but that she was grabbing at it and saying something which he interpreted to mean diaper. So he put a clean diaper on her and we put her in her pajamas.
A little while later, she was grabbing at her diaper again saying the mystery word that Ed thought meant diaper, and tried to pull down her pants. “Pa-eee? Pa-eee?” She said POTTY! I never in a million years thought she knew what she was talking about, but I decided to take her in the bathroom anyway. What could it hurt?
I got out Eddie’s retired potty seat and sat her on it. She freaked out hard core-I guess she was afraid to sit on the toilet. I set her down to put the seat away, and before I could get her diaper on, she peed all over the floor. I think she actually knew that she had to pee.
I’m sure that since I’m discussing it, and am actually excited about it, she won’t be potty trained until she’s 4….but seriously, how cool would it be if she were potty trained at 18 months?
In other news, Ed went on a sales call at Bob Evan’s today, and when he asked to speak to the manager, out came my ex-boyfriend. He’s the assistant manager. He and Ed were talking and the guy was like “I know you from somewhere…… Ed goes “yeah, I’m Sara G…’s husband. The guy paused and said, “So how are YOU doing”?
Not a whole lot else is new. I’m going home soon. I worked out really hard today, and I’m already sore. Ed is working in the AM so I can’t go tomorrow, which means I can sleep in a little bit. I had 2 late nights this weekend and was up early both days. I hate being old.